Sunday, May 4, 2008

Tabatta Method of Training

The Tabatta Method is an exercise format I like to incorporate in many of my bodyweight and group training workouts. It is short only four minutes, but very effective. In fact recent research has shown that 4 minutes of an anaerobic workout like Tabatta produces 40% better improvements in aerobic capacity than 60 minutes of aerobic work at 70% VO@2max. And produces 9x greater loss in subcutaneous fat in 15 weeks than 20 weeks of steady-state endurance training (when corrected for energy cost).

Ok, you maybe thinking that this sounds too short and too easy. But try it, you will very quickly notice that it is not too short and definitely not too easy.

Here is how to do it. If you are a beginner start with 10 seconds of work and 20 seconds of rest. For intermediate individuals do 15 seconds of work and 15 seconds of rest. And for advanced training do 20 seconds of work with 10 seconds of rest. For the work period pick any exercise or exercises you would like to do and perform them for the appropriate amount of time. Some exercises will be more taxing than others and you will figure out which work the best.

You can also repeat the 4 minute workout a few times for a longer and even more challenging workout.

Here is a example of a 4 minute round I did at the end of my workout yesterday:
20 sec. = push ups
10 sec. = rest
20 sec. = jump squats
10 sec. = rest
Repeated for a total of 4 times or 4 total minutes.

Train more effectively,


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