Thursday, May 15, 2008

High Quality vs. High Quantity Exercise

Does your workout consist of high quality exercises and movements or just a lot of quantity? If you answered high quality congratulations you are probably seeing results and getting the most out of your workouts. If you answered quantity it's time to listen up and make some changes. Most likely you are stuck in a rut and not seeing results.

So what is the difference between high quality and high quantity exercise?

High Quality Exercise - Everything in your workout is done for a reason and is preplanned and periodized. High quality exercise uses the most efficient exercises ensuring you get the most bang for your buck and nothing less. You are doing exercises that improve muscle imbalances, movement deficiencies, prevent injuries, and most of all require a high energy output. High quality training is also time efficient. You get in and in 30-50 minutes later you are in the shower or in your car on your way home for the rest of your day.

High Quantity Exercise - Is not preplanned or periodized and if it is, it is poorly put together. You workout for a specific amount of time because you feel that you need a certain time length to get a good workout. You do pointless exercises without any rhyme or reason. And then after filling your hour weight training session with as many exercises as you can fit you in, you spend another 30-60 on the treadmill doing cardio, to "burn fat". And what is the result of all this time and hard work (Yes, these people work very hard as do the High Quality Exercises)? Minimal results, excess body fat, decreases metabolism (Long extended cardio decreases your metabolism, interesting huh?Esp. since your are doing in to burn fat which requires a higher metabolism.), and a body that feels tired and worn out.

Now if you are a High Quality Exerciser you are losing body fat, building muscle,
increasing metabolism, feeling better, moving better, having increased energy, and loving your workouts.

So which are you going to be? It your choice. Change is hard, but so are the consequences of being overfat and out of shape.

Exercise Smarter and More Efficient,


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