Thursday, May 29, 2008

Rubberband Training

Over the past month I have been incorporating the use of rubberband exercises into mine and my clients training. I have to admit I really like it. I never realized how great of a workout you could get with just the use a couple rubberbands of different widths. The use of the rubberband allows you to perform exercises very fast, which can be very dangerous when done with weights, but when done with a rubberband it is completely safe. They also work great as a deloading exercise to provide your joints with a rest from the stress of the weights, but still challenge the muscles.

The bands are also a great tool to use with new clients since they do not provide very much eccentric contraction stress on the muscle, this is the contraction that makes you sore. So by only doing the concentric part of the movement your muscles will get worked, but you will have less soreness the next day than you would if you did weights.

The bands also travel very well. They take up very little space in a suit case and you really only need to take one. Over Memorial Day Weekend I went away and I took one of my rubberbands with me. I got in a great workout each day while I was gone and all I did was rubberband exercises and bodyweight exercises.

With the bands you can do any exercise you can do with free weights plus some more if you get really creative. They can be attached to a door, looped around a door handle, or held in place by any other solid object or person. If you want more resistance you just stretch them more and the exercise is harder.

I will be posting some rubberband exercises really soon. But if you can't wait and would like to get started now go to and purchase a Superband and/or the The Superband Workout by JC Santana to see a whole variety of exercises you can perform.

Challenge Yourself In New Ways,


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