Saturday, May 17, 2008

Ice It Down

What is one of the best things you can do to help an injury heal faster? Ice it. It doesn't matter if it is a sprain, pulled muscle, tendinitis, bruise, or even muscle soreness. By applying ice you help whatever is bothering you heal faster. This is because ice will decrease the inflammation that the injured area is causing and less inflammation means less pain and a faster recovery.

Ice may not not feel as good as heat on the injured area, but heat will increase the inflammation and not allow the area to heal as quickly.

Apply the ice directly on the injured area for 20 minutes immediately after you injured it and then on and off for the next couple of days until the injury has healed. You do not want to put the ice directly on the skin, I recommend wetting a wash cloth and placing the ice on top of that to act as a barrier to you skin.

The next you twist an ankle or pull a muscle forget the heating pad and grab some ice.

Have a great day!


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