Thursday, May 8, 2008


The Plank is one of the best and most basic stabilization/bracing exercises. All it involves is holding the top position of a push-up for time. While doing the Plank keep your shoulders over your hands, your weight evenly distributed, and your back flat (a weak midsection will result in sagging of your lower back, or arching of your lower back).

To make this exercise more challenging you can do it with your hands or feet on a stability ball or medicine ball. You can also do one arm or one leg planks. And for a real challenge you can try Plank Walk Ups. These involve starting in the basic plank position, but then lowering down on to one elbow then the other elbow and back up onto your hands, continuing to do this for 1-2 minutes nonstop.

Give them all a try and decide what works best. And don't be afraid to to challenge yourself.


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