Saturday, May 3, 2008

The Group Training Effect

Every Saturday for the past couple of weeks I have gotten together with 3-4 other people and done a group workout. I love it! It is very refreshing to do this once or twice week to break up the monotony of regular workouts. And how about this we don't even use weights and only workout for a 1/2 hour. How is this possible? We use bodyweight, bands, stability balls, medicine balls, and Valslides. That's it and all I need to put together a brutal workout. Now, I'm not saying you should abandon free weights and only do this, but rather do one or two of these types of workouts each week in place of a regular weight training workout.

I also have been training a couple small groups throughout the week and have noticed some positive things:

1. It is much more enjoyable and fun.
2. Unbelievably effective.
3. Increases motivation.
4. Provides a much different stimulus to the body.
5. Easy to set up.
6. Time efficient.

There are many more. The biggest positive effect I've found is that you will push yourself so much harder than if you were doing it by yourself. This is for many reasons, but that extra push or drive is what is needed to get results.

I will be talking more about this in future posts and will discuss some of the exercises I use and how I use them so check back for that info.

Have a great day!


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