Wednesday, May 14, 2008

Isometric Ab Roll Outs

Most likely you have done ab roll outs before. But, have you ever tried doing them isometrically? I bet not. While the traditional ab roll out works well, the isometric version really challenges and works your core.

So to get start you will need a bar with 2.5 lbs. plates clipped on the ends of it or an ab wheel. Then kneel on the ground and place your hands on the bar or ab wheel about shoulder width apart. Now, slide out until your body is parallel to the ground. You should only have two points of contact at this point (knees and bar/ab wheel). Once you reach this point you are going to hold this position for time. Start with 15 seconds and work up from there. You can do anywhere from 1 - 4 sets.

If you feel any pain or discomfort in your lower back while holding the position just raise your body up a little and it should disappear.

Try this out.
