Friday, May 23, 2008

Alligator Walks

Alligator Walks are performed using the Sliders. They work your core as well as your shoulders and arms. To do them you will need about a 20-30 foot carpeted hallway or other carpeted open space.

Place a slider under each foot and hold yourself up with your hands, like your are going to do a push-up. From this position you just walk forward on your hands dragging your legs behind you. Make sure to keep your core solid and keep a straight line from your feet through your head. Do not allow any sagging of your midsection.

If your wrists hurt when doing this you can hold a 3-5 lb. dumbbell in each hand and this will allow you to do them with out the pain.

1. Alligator Walk Push-Ups - perform a push-up with every step your take with your hands.
2. Alligator Walk Push-Ups w/ Knee Tuck - perform a push-up and knee tuck with every step you take with your hands.

Give them a try!


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