Sunday, March 9, 2008

Get Results Through Thinking Positive

If you don't believe that you can achieve the perfect weight or the perfect body how do you think you ever will? In order to attain that perfect weight and body you must first believe that you can do it and pretend or act like you already have achieved it.

Over the past week I have been listening to the "Secret" audio book in my car. In this book the author keeps going over the fact that you must believe you can have whatever you want and then think like you already have it. The point she is making is that if you do not believe that whatever you want is possible and attainable you will never see or get it. But, if you first believe that it is possible your mind will want to have it. This is what gives you that extra drive, push, passion, or whatever you want to call it to make you successful. Without this you will become complacent and settle for what you already have. After all settling requires no work and is easy to do. But, it is also the reason you will not achieve your goals.

This book is very useful for fitness, not only life in general. In fact, she has a whole chapter discussing body weight, health, and physical fitness. If you will simply believe that you can and already have achieved the results you want. You will soon see those results coming to life.

Have a great day and believe in yourself and your goals.


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