Wednesday, January 30, 2008

Take Action Now!

Stop planning, stop analyzing, stop waiting for the perfect time, and start doing whatever you have been thinking about, planning, or waiting for.

I just finished listening to Ryan Lee's January edition of The Millionaire Workout Insider. This month he had Tim Kerber on with him. Tim made a very good point that too many people wait around planning and analyzing everything before they start and never actually get started. He called this "paralysis by analysis". Some people analyze stuff so much that they actually paralyze their efforts to ever get started. Are you like this? Or do you know people like this? I'm sure you do and have before. I have. I've learned though that things are much easier to just jump in and get started (Take Action) and figure out the rest as you go. You'll be surprised at how much more successful your efforts will become.

If you have been waiting to start a project, exercise program, book, new career, anything. Start now! If you wait any longer you will just be wasting time.

Have a Great Day!


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