Thursday, January 17, 2008

Push Yourself A Little Harder

I am on a break between clients and let me tell you between last night and this morning they all pushed themselves pretty hard.

It is these little things that make the difference in your training. If you are not willing to work as hard as possible and give it everything you have. You are not going to get to were you want to be.

You have to be willing to sweat, in some cases dripping.

You have to be willing to sometimes push to the point of almost vomiting. Although this is not the goal of any workout. It happens.

You have to be willing to get that extra rep when your body is telling you it can't and you have no energy left.

This is what separates those who see amazing results and get into great shape and those who only see average results and are only in average shape.

Don't be average. Be your best!


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