Tuesday, December 11, 2007

Resisted Running/Sprinting

Resisted Running/Sprinting is typically used to increase acceleration in athletes, but recently I have found it useful as a training tool for general fitness.

So what is Resisted Running/Sprinting anyhow?

All that it is is running or sprinting with some form of resistance holding you back. For this article I will just refer to a Jump Stretch Sprinting Station. All this is is a bar that is attached to the wall with a giant rubber band attached to the bar and you put the other end around your waist.

Typically with athletes you would have them sprint out as far as they can and then slowly let the band pull them back in, and then repeat for any number or reps. But for someone looking for general fitness this same drill works as a great conditioning exercise. Many times I will pair it with another exercise or two. Like tire flips, farmers walks, squat jumps, or burpees. And perform them back to back with little or no rest in between.

I also just realized today another use for resisted running. I kinda just stumbled on to it, but hey what ever works. Right? Anyhow if you cannot run or have trouble running because of knee problems or something similar this may be a good substitute for you. Instead of sprinting out just run/jog out a little way and stay there and run in place. This seems to help take some of the strain off your knees and lower body joints and muscles. The reason it does is because now the rubberband is taking some of your body weight off, instead of you have to care the full load.

Try out either of the ways and post you comments.

Keep Training Hard!

Josh Proch

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