Monday, June 2, 2008

Lifting Form

This is a topic that so many people do wrong when they lift, especially guys. They don't care what their form looks like all that matters is how much weight they are lifting. And then there are the people who lift with bad form, but it's not their fault because nobody has ever shown them or taught them correct form.

A large percentage of people who go to a gym have never been instructed on how to lift. They see what others are doing and do that or take something from a magazine. Some have lifted in high school when they played sports and have had some instruction. But most high school coaches do not know much about strength training and have their athletes doing unsafe exercises with horrible form.

Whatever your background is take some time the learn the lifts and learn the form. Failure to do this will result in back, knee, and shoulder injuries among others.

Over the next 5 days I will go into detail here on how to do the 5 most common lifting movements: Squats, Deadlifts, Presses, Pulls, and Lunges.

Learn these five and you will be good to go for most lifts.

Train safe,


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