Friday, June 13, 2008

Criticized and Misunderstood

I'm known for pushing my clients very hard in the gym and having them do some very unique training methods and exercises. My goal is to get them results and get them results as fast as possible. A lot of times I'll be training a client and someone else working out in the gym will come up to me and say, "I would never be able to train with you, you'd kill me!" Well, I wouldn't go that far. But, I will guarantee you that I will push you. 

You see many people make the false assumption that just because client A is flipping a tire, doing plyometric drills, or lifting heavy weight that I will have them doing the same thing. This is so not the case. Each workout and training session is different, because every client is different. It is still going to be challenging for everyone, but the intensity is relative.

For example, about a month ago I started a group training class. In this class we only use bodyweight, bands, slides, kettlebells, and balls. All exercises are done with just these pieces of equipment. Also, all of the exercises can be adjusted up and down in difficulty for each individuals needs. But, still some people watch and still think that it is too hard! Oh well, they are also spending 90% of there time sitting on a machine and working out.

I have also heard some people say my training is only for athletes and real hard core people. Really? I work primarily with fat loss clients. People seem to think that because I push clients and work them intensely that makes me hard core. Maybe, maybe not. But, you are not going to see fat loss results but taking your time, lifting light weights, sitting on machines, talking, and not sweating. What is done in one of my clients training sessions is what I believe and know to produce the best results. (In most cases I can produce the research to back me up.) 

My training is not just for athletes and hard core power lifters or whatever you want to call hardcore. I train to help people improve themselves. And I am more than willing to train anyone who is dedicated to their training. I do not however, have patience for clients who want entertained, to have a trainer to say that they have a personal trainer, are chronic cancelers, or show up 20 minutes late. These people are not into it. Training has not become important to them yet. At first some of these people I may be able to work with and get them on track, but others just don't really want to do it. It's not that I have anything against these people or don't like them. Most of them are very nice people, training is just not their thing. But, the reason I would rather not train these people is because they are not going to get results. If you are training a bunch of resultless clients that is not good advertising, even though it has nothing to do with you the trainer. I also feel like I am not doing my job when I'm training these type of clients. I feel like I am just being paid to entertain them and collect their money. That is not why I got into this profession.

I take my profession and career very seriously. When someone comes to me looking to train I tell them that I can get you the fat loss results you are looking for. But, are you willing to let me push you and follow the advice I give you. It is my job to push you past what you thought were your limitations and get you results.  Yes, I maybe be better in certain areas and have preferred niches, but all and all I want to help those who are serious.

How serious are you about your training? And why do you workout?

I know this was kind of a rant and scattered brained, but it was just on my mind.

Have a great weekend!



Phaleg said...

And you know what, those people don´t really know what they are doing. I live in Brazil and have the same problem, i give training sessions based on science and biomechanics, we do study to do the best for our clients, for them not to get hurt, and all that i see is a bunch of arched back on deadlift, stiff and squat...and a lot of 30 + min on treadmill hahaha. Im with you Josh, let´s do the best to those who wants the best.


Phaleg said...

And you know what, those people don´t really know what they are doing. I live in Brazil and have the same problem, i give training sessions based on science and biomechanics, we do study to do the best for our clients, for them not to get hurt, and all that i see is a bunch of arched back on deadlift, stiff and squat...and a lot of 30 + min on treadmill hahaha. Im with you Josh, let´s do the best to those who wants the best.
