Saturday, June 14, 2008

5 Minute Fat Burning Workout

Saturday and Sunday are now my current off days from working out. I need these days to recover and build lean muscle tissue. But, you know what? Sometimes I still feel like doing something to get the blood flowing and help clear my head. Today was one of those days. So I did a 5 minute kettlebell complex workout. It was great, got my heart pounding and blood flowing. Another plus of this quick 5 minute workout was the intensity was high enough to help burn some body fat and will keep my metabolism running high for the rest of the day, which will keep my body in fat burning mode.

Here is what I did:

KB Deadlift - 5 reps
KB 2-Hand Swing - 5 reps
KB 1-Hand Swing - 5 reps each
KB Alternating Release Swing - 10 reps
KB Squat - 5 reps
KB 2-Arm Overhead Press - 5 reps
KB Deadlift - 5 reps
KB 1-Hand Swing - 5 reps
KB Clean - 5 reps
KB 1-Arm Overhead Press - 5 reps
KB Deadlift - 5 reps
KB 1-Hand Swing - 5 reps
KB Clean - 5 reps
KB 1-Arm Overhead Press - 5 reps
KB 1-Arm Snatch - 2 reps
KB 1-Arm Snatch (opposite arm) - 2 reps
Single Leg Burpees - 10 each leg.

This entire complex was done with just one kettlebell (KB) that weighed 20 kg. and each exercise was performed nonstop smoothly flowing from one exercise to the next.

Give it a try the next time you need a short workout.


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