Tuesday, March 11, 2008

Q & A: Rep Scheme

Q: In your opinion what is the best set/rep progression?

A: I like to start all my clients out with 12 reps for the first few weeks and keep their workouts simple so they can learn to get the form and become comfortable with exercising, since most of them are new to it. After that I like to use undulating periodization:

Week 1 = 12 reps
Week 2 = 8 reps
Week 3 = 10 reps (back off week)
Week 4 = 6 reps (heavy week)

After 4 weeks I will usually have a new client repeat this rep rotation 1 more time with 3-4 new workouts. Then continue on with:

Week 1 = 9 reps
Week 2 = 5 reps
Week 3 = 7 reps (back off week)
Week 4 = 3 reps (heavy week)

After these 4 weeks I'll go back to 12,8,10,6 then 9,5,7,3 and just keep repeating. Every 4 weeks I change workouts. This has worked well with the majority of clients. They have gained some pretty impressive muscle and lost fat with this. I will play around with it somewhat though because everyone is different and some clients have a hard time handling the lower reps/heavier weight and their joints begin to ache. So with them I will just use the 12,8,10,6. and so far it works just as well. The one draw back I have found to this is that not everyone loses body weight (and unfortunately many people only think results are shown on the scale, even if they look better and their clothes fit better).

Push Yourself Every Time,


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