Thursday, November 15, 2007


This will be a 3 part article. Here is part 1. Be sure to check back for Parts 2 & 3 coming soon.


If you do not take your training seriously how do you plan on ever getting results? If you are serious about your training you will never miss a workout and you will prioritize it over other things in your life. People who do not train seriously never achieve much. They always have an excuse why they missed a workout, why they couldn’t get 7-8 hours of sleep, why they didn’t eat properly, and so on and so on. If you want to see results stop making excuses and start taking control of your actions. It seems as if today it is just easier to make an excuse for why we didn’t do something we should have, instead of just doing it. And then blame the outcome on someone or something else. You cannot do this if you want to see fitness results. You are the only one that can determine if you will workout, how hard you will push yourself, or what you will eat, not anyone else. You make the decisions that affect your life. I had a football coach in college who said to us one day, “Wherever you are in life is exactly where you want to be.” He went on to explain how you currently may not like the situation you are in but you have made the decisions that have put you there. Since then that comment has stuck with me and I have noticed how every decision that I have made has put me where I currently am in life. Now I’m pretty happy with my life, but what if I would have made only one different choice? Well, I would probably be doing something different. The point is that every day, every minute you make decisions that will affect how successful you are with your fitness program. You can choose to skip your workout and go have a couple beers and chicken wings with your buddies, or you can go workout and then have a grilled chicken breast with steamed vegetables. You can stay up late every night working or watching TV and then end up skipping your workout the next day because you are too tired. Or you can put the work down, shut off the TV and go to bed getting the 7-8 hours of sleep you need to be able to train at your best during your workout the next morning. You will also get more done if you are well rested and in shape rather than running on E all the time. The fact is that YOU make the decisions that will affect YOUR life and no one else. And it is only you that can determine how successful you will be in reaching your fitness goals.

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